Friday, September 4, 2009

The 2009 Annual Conference is around the corner!

October is right around the corner. And you know what that means...the 2009 Annual Conference! The PA Breast Cancer Coalition hosts the only statewide breast cancer conference in Pennsylvania every October. Hundreds of attendees participate in this highly acclaimed event which offers a Grand Rounds Plenary Session, educational workshops, exhibit hall and the Pink Ribbon Awards Luncheon!

This conference is designed for breast cancer survivors, medical professionals, community and corporate leaders, legislators and advocates. And we want YOU there! Head over to the official 2009 Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition Annual Conference website and see why YOU should be there!

When you sign up online, mention "PBCC Online Activist" in Section 2 in the comments box and YOU will receive $5.00 off of your purchase of $5.00 or more at the PBCC Marketplace on the day of the Conference!

Also invite your friends to come along! If you and four (4) of your friends register and say "I heard about the 2009 Annual Conference from (Your First & Last Name Here)" in Section 2 in the comments box, YOU will receive a PBCC umbrella!

If you and nine (9) of your friends register and say "I heard about the 2009 Annual Conference from (Your First & Last Name Here)" in Section 2 in the comments box, YOU will receive a PBCC canvas totebag! Both of these items are not available for purchase! Get them EXCLUSIVELY through this deal!

Spread the word today!! Early Bird Registration ends on Monday, September 14th!! If you have any questions regarding the promotions, please send an e-mail to or call 1.800.377.8828.

That is all for now!

1 comment:

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