Monday, July 27, 2009

It's Always Sunny in State College

To round out the week of four Derby events in a row, the staff made it up to the State College Spikes. The forecast looked gloomy. Showers were predicted intermittently throughout the day. But Katie at the Spikes was optimistic and the crew continued to set up. The sky did not look promising. But the field was ready, the volunteers were ready, and our guest announcer Tammy Miller was pumped. The first team, Pam's Pinch Hitters, stepped up to the plate and it started to drizzle. The small amount of rain did not dampen the spirits. After a few minutes, it passed. We continued on with the Derby while the clouds parted and the sun decided to wake up.

Check out the team scores from the State College Spikes (They are some of the closest we've ever had!):

Lemont Ducks - 1,635 points
Malizia, Spidi, & Fisch - 1,535 points
Penn State University - 1,210 points
Enterprise Bank - 1,205 points
Graystone Bank Team 2 - 1,165 points
Reliance Bank - 1,155 points
Raytheon - 1,050 points
Pam's Pinch Hitters - 1,040 points
Graystone Bank Team 1 - 1,030 points
Majic 99 - 950 points
Penn State University's BMB Department - 700 points

A few batters were able to send the baseball out toward Mount Nittany with home runs. From the Lemont Ducks, Brendan Pifer had one home run and Steve Weavor had two. And from Graystone Bank Team 1, Eric Keptner hit a homer! Way to go fellas!

A HUGE thanks to Tammy Miller for being our guest announcer!! She was absolutely amazing! The crowd loved her enthusiasm along with her jokes. She knows how to hit everyone's funny bone! Another thanks goes out to WTAJ. They came out to the Spikes and interviewed several batters, Tammy, and our Director of Communications Sarah Lightman. Check out the story! Also log on to Facebook and check out all of the photos from last Thursday!

Only one Derby this week, and it's at the Reading Phillies!

That is all for now!

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